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Spring is right around the corner

Posted by Lisa King on

Spring is right around the corner.  Feels like there is so much to do and yet we sit here in anticipation of the warmer weather we know is just within reach.  This time of year just gets my itch going to get out and work in the dirt, get the garden cleaned up and ready for planting.  Can't wait to uncover my strawberry patch to see what's going on in there. 

But there is nothing like being prepared.  As soon as things get warmer and the threat of winter has left the air, I start taking inventory.  It seems that at the end of fall I decide that I don't really need to buy anything else and sort of start limping things along.  "Oh, that tool will get me by!"  "These gloves will do for now!"  Does that sound familiar?  I always need to go through what I have in the way of tools, rakes and shovels, fabric, string, gloves, fertilizer and seed etc....  That way I don't spend all my time acquiring what I need, instead of being where I want to be - in the yard or garden working when the weather finally does turn.

So, now is the time or soon anyway.  Depending on where you live you have already started.  For those of us in the Rockies - winter will hang a little longer, but a soon as the Robin is seen and the Red-winged Blackbirds are twirling - it's time to go!!  Stop by are site and see what we can help with in get your inventory up and going for spring!    

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